Download Arduino Control Center Free version v7.0.6


Windows Download FREE v7.0.6 64bit(zip,56MB)
Windows Installer Download FREE v7.0.6 64bit(exe,42MB)


  • Ubuntu 20.04 - 22.04 64bit and up
  • Supported hardware - boards, sensors, relay boards...
  • Read "READ ME FIRST!!!.txt" from archive package, issues mostly related to Ubuntu library dependencies required for Arduino Control Center
Linux Ubuntu (64bit) Download FREE v7.0.6(zip,43MB)
FREE version limitations:
- WEB server, UDP server(Arduino devices listener) have session time limit. Serial (USB) communication will be closed after certain idle time.
- Data preview, receiving and data acquisition will be interrupted randomly.
- Visible info about free demo version

NOTE: All programs created and uploaded to arduino device are fully functional when the device is connected or disconnected from the pc. NO LIMITATIONS as standalone device!

7.0.6 version is released
- Minor updates in Map Range analog setup

7.0.5 version is released
- Minor updates in New Device Wizard setup(desktop)

7.0.4 version is released
- Updates in SMTP mail setup(desktop)

7.0.3 version is released
- Updates in Users management (desktop)

7.0.2 version is released
- Minor updates in web application

7.0.1 version is released
- Fixed bug in web application - cannot trigger vDIGITAL pin

7.0.0 version is released
- Windows 64bit version only
- Software - major update in order to migrate to 64bit version
- Firmware - update to v5.15
- Firmware - fixed bug with hysteresis in rules for Virtual Components
- Firmware - in order to reduce firmware size for ATmega328P microcontroller(Arduino Uno, Nano), Virtual Components and enchanched Analog support are not available in all firmware.

- IMPORTANT NOTICE (update from major version 1-6): Update Arduino firmware for each device and re-upload Output, Input and Rules data. BACKUP(Copy) entire Arduino Control Center folder! All win32 dll and exe files will be updated with win64 bit version(Windows only).

- Updated MQTT client

6.0.7 - 6.0.9 version is released
- Fixing bug host name resolving (ESP8266 and ESP32)
- Changes in software, prepares for 64bit version only(32bit version will be discontinued in near future)
- Firmware update to v5.13

6.0.4 - 6.0.6 version is released
- Fixing minor bug with hystersis in rules (Analog, PWM)
- Changes in software, prepares for 64bit version only(32bit version will be discontinued in near future)
- Firmware update to v5.12

6.0.0 - 6.0.3 version is released
- ESP32 (NodeMcu, Wemos,...) boards with built-in WiFi support (enhanced ESP8266)
- Firmware update to v5.0 - v5.1
- Software and Firmware major update in order to support ESP32 boards
- Fixed minor bugs and updated sensor libraries
- Minor software enchachements
- Fixed bug in firmware - required update to v5.1 if you use ESP8266 boards and float(temp sensors,e.g.) values in rules
- Update help files

- IMPORTANT NOTICE (update from major version 1-5): Update Arduino firmware for each device and re-upload Output, Input and Rules data. BACKUP(Copy) entire Arduino Control Center folder!

5.0.1 - 5.0.3 version is released
- Enable - Disable WiFi, ESP8266 boards
- Updated Dallas sensors, Thermistor libraries
- Fixing minor bugs with Virtual pins, update is recommended
- Firmware update to v4.21

5.0.0 version is released
- Add VIRTUAL PINS. Read more HERE
- ESP8266 Wemos D1 R2 board support
- Firmware update to v4.0
- Software major updates in order to support Virtual pins to v5.0.0
- Update help files

- IMPORTANT NOTICE (update from major version 1-4): Update Arduino firmware for each device and re-upload Output, Input and Rules data. BACKUP(Copy) entire Arduino Control Center folder!

4.0.4 version is released
- Removed Input Pin function for DIGITAL OUTPUT, major issues when rules are implemented, both AVR and ESP8266 firmware. Will be re-implemented later
- Firmware update to v3.34

4.0.3 version is released
- Improved synchronization RTC ds1307 and ds3231 modules from application
- Firmware update to v3.33

4.0.2 version is released
- Unified firmware for W5100 - W5500 network adapters, reduced number of compiled firmware
- Firmware compiled with latest Arduino libraries
- Minor updates in the ACC software
- Firmware update to v3.32

4.0.1 version is released
- Visible info in Desktop application about WiFi signal strength in Dbm
- Firmware update to v3.31

4.0.0 version is released
- ESP8266 NodeMcu(ESP-12) board support
- ESP8266 Wemos D1 R1 board support
- Firmware update to v3.3
- Software major updates in order to support ESP8266 development boards
- IMPORTANT NOTICE (update from major version 1,2 and 3): Update Arduino firmware for each device and re-upload Output, Input and Rules data. BACKUP entire Arduino Control Center folder!

3.7.0 version is released
- QMC5883L three-axis magnetic sensor support
- Firmware update to v3.22
- Minor enchachements and bug fix(not critical)

3.6.0 version is released
- Rules loading bug in desktop applicattion fixed(not affected in firmware), enchachements
- Linux version ported to 64bit, 32bit is no longer supported
- Software(Windows and Linux) compiled with latest development IDE (info only)

- PWM with Analog input auto-convert to 0..255 values(MapRange can be used for smoothing and better adjustment)
- Firmware update to v3.21
- Software(Windows) compiled with latest development IDE (info only)

3.5.0 version is released
- PWM with slider bug fixed(broken in previous 3.4.7 version)
- Firmware update to v3.20
- Updater SSL error fixed (use download link from registration e-mail for this update)
- Analog component update, add custom number for Analog input values readings(smoothing)

3.4.7 version is released
- PWM with Analog Input update
- Firmware update to v3.19
- Analog component update

3.4.6 version is released
- Updated Web (Boostrap library), new login page
- Minor updates(Alarms management) and bug fixes(not critical)

3.4.5 version is released
- Decimal points maximum 8, preview in both desktop and web (instead max. 2 decimal points)

3.4.4 version is released
- Indexing measurement tables in SQlite database, slower program startup afer update (depend of database size)
- Firmware enhancements and optimization
- Refreshed firmware packages to v3.18

3.4.3 version is released
- Firmware enhancements, only reboot on critical errors(e.g. pin number out of range..)
- Refreshed firmware packages to v3.17

3.4.2 version is released
- I2C Slave communication changes in firmware, info if feature is available in current firmware
- Bug fixed:Not all I2C supported sensors are listed on adding new input component
- Refreshed firmware packages to v3.16

3.4.0 version is released
- Added support for TSL2561 luminosity (light) sensor
- Refreshed firmware packages to v3.15 with TSL2561 sensor support
- Bug fixed (firmware): I2C Slave communication initialization failed. Due the small flash storage, I2C slave communication is not available in most of the UNO-NANO firmware.

3.3.0 version is released
- Support for THERMISTOR libraries, circuit: +5 o-----NTC 10K ---ANALOG PIN---10K---o GND
- Refreshed firmware packages to v3.14 with THERMISTOR sensors support

3.2.6 version is released
- Added support for LM75 compatible Temperature sensors -LM75, LM75A, LM75B, LM75C, TMP75, TMP175, TMP275...
- Refreshed firmware packages to v3.13 with LM75 sensor support
- Bug fixed: Temperature charts in Fahrenheit

3.2.5 version is released
- Updated "Add New device" wizard, simplified for new users
- Minor bugs fixed, not affected on software stability

3.2.2 version is released
- Added support for XOR (XOR NOT) logic function for OUTPUT RULES
- Refreshed firmware packages to v3.12 with supported XOR logic, firmware update required(if XOR logic used for new rules)

3.2.1 version is released
- Added support for LIS3DH Three axes linear accelerometer
- Refreshed firmware packages to v3.11 with new LIS3DH sensor support
- Bug fixed: switch in Rule show additional setup, should be only HIGH and LOW status

3.2.0 version is released
- Added support for HTU21D Temperature and Humidity sensors
- Refreshed firmware packages to v3.1 with new HTU21D sensor support
- Bug fixed: BMP180 access violation error(broken backward compatibility)
- Bug fixed: Delete and Upload component always refresh OUTPUT configuration

3.1.1 version is released
- Open - Close serial(USB) connection button on each tab
- Updated firmwares packages (firmware 3.0)
- Help files (links) updated

3.1.0 version is released
- Live preview data from Arduino devices in web interface (not last written in database)
- Help files (links) and icons updated

3.0.0 - 3.0.5 version is released, major changes and new features
- MQTT protocol supported, easy setup Arduino Control Center as MQTT client(tested with several MQTT Broker servers)
- MAX6675 Thermocouple sensor support
- Ultrasonic Ranger sensors SR04,SRF05,SRF06
- Master-Slave I2C communication (One Master and 2 slave devices)
- Arduino code for setup Slave device to send data to ACC - Lanmisoft Arduino GitHub
- Arduino ANALOG MapRange function(float, integer values) for better analog sensors adjusting
- Digital sensors setup improvements
- Measurement sensor value units in firmware, not as display only in application
- Arduino ID Changer option(Tools - Change Arduino ID)
- By default, all new devices are ready to write data to database. Only components has to be enabled or disabled for writing values from Arduino to database
- Many code improvements, updated application menus an icons
- Bugs fixed, help links and icons updated (3.0.1 - 3.0.5)

- IMPORTANT NOTICE (from major version 1 or 2): Update Arduino firmware for each device and re-upload Output, Input and Rules data. BACKUP entire Arduino Control Center folder!

2.3.0 - 2.5.4 version is released
- Fixed bug - measurement data stored in database regardless of component setup
- Digital sensors decimal places setup (0-2) for storing measurement data in database
- GUI updates
- Web interface update - web server informations(server version, OS, memory, HD, CPU). FULL and PRO version.
- Updated database manager application
- Updated font-awesome icon collection(web inteface)
- Server log page, web interface (accadmin only)
- SMS setup updated (tested Android REST SMS Gateway)
- Many code improvements, minor bug fixed
- Proxy server settings added
- Statistic charts (desktop) updated, faster charts rendering
- GUI (I/O components) refreshing enable - disable option. Minimized application automatically disable components status updates
- Fixed application freeze error if not enabled default player device (Windows)
- Fixed bug - output status not change on click

2.2.0 version is released
- New application Database manager included(replicate database tables without measurement data stored in database)

2.1.0 - 2.1.7 version is released
- Web Server improvements, both client and server side
- Sqlite database improvements and setup, latest dll library included(Windows)
- accadmin user web interface update (PRO version)
- Fixed bug in Linux file paths (Web interface)

2.0.3 - 2.0.6 version is released
- Updated firmware (minor changes rtc libraries)
- Minor bug fixed(wrong displaying next scheduled day in some cases)
- Minor bug fixed (splash screen on empty database, application stay minimized)
- Bug fixed - errors on application exit

2.0.2 version is released
- Added splash(startup) screen
- Updated icons and menus

2.0.1 version is released
- Added Undo and Redo in analog math expression editor
- Minor code improvements, updated icons in analog editor

2.0.0 version is released
- Added support for Real-Time Clock (RTC), supported DS1307, DS3231
- Visual daily-weekly RTC scheduler, checking last output state according to preset times on arduino reboot saved in device EEPROM
- RTC devices synchronization with system time from application
- Export-Import complete Arduino configuration from one to another Arduino Control Center application
- Software updater
- Many code improvements, updated application menu for better device handling

- IMPORTANT NOTICE (from version 1.x.x to 2.x.x): Update Arduino firmware for each device and re-upload Output, Input and Rules data. Registered users has to request new download link!
It is recommended to download demo for testing before installing latest version and BACKUP entire Arduino Control Center version folder!

1.1.0 version is released
- Added support for SMS notifications(not accessible Arduino device, input-output alarm) with SMS Gateway services. Tested and integrated support for BulkSMS, BudgetSMS, SMSGlobal.
- Support for Wiz5500 ethernet controller
- Many code improvements

1.0.0 version is released
- First official version with different pricing ranges and features for registered version